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Life is tough. So take a break from it all for a moment and enjoy this bizarrely entertaining collection of links, websites, other random stuff I've collected over the years. Life stinks--but it can also be mysteriously fascinating.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Red Tide


Red Tide.

A strange phenomenon where tons of phytoplankton suddenly begins to grow like crazy on the surface of the ocean. It makes the ocean look a nasty blood red color and can be mildly toxic to swimmers. Not to mention the smell. It literally stinks. However, even the worst events that life dishes out, can sometimes have their bright side. Literally in this case. Check out the link below and see red tide--at night.


When phytoplankton gets stirred up, it begins to glow which makes the waves look AMAZING at night. So next time life gives you nasty, stinky, phytoplankton, take out your surfboard and get ready to enjoy yourself.

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