About This Blog

Life is tough. So take a break from it all for a moment and enjoy this bizarrely entertaining collection of links, websites, other random stuff I've collected over the years. Life stinks--but it can also be mysteriously fascinating.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Uncanny Valley

Virtual pop stars? 

I kid you not. These girls don't actually exist. The holographic singer's voice is even synthesized.That's right, that is actually a computer singing, not a human being. And she's had sold out concerts right here in the USA. Just a little too freaky for me.


And this leads us to . . . 

The Uncanny Valley

This is a psychological fear of something that looks human but isn't. We humans tend to feel uncomfortable or even fearful when a man made object gets a little too human looking, but isn't quite the real thing. Example: ultra realistic robots, CGI, or even dolls. (Think wax museum.) Something seems just a tiny bit off to us when we look at them and this triggers fear. Scientists have tried to study this phenomenon for years. Watch the video below to see some great examples of this.


Think of all the people who are terrified of dolls--or clowns. That's the Uncanny Valley. Freaky, huh?

Do You Remember Your First Roller Coaster Ride? You Probably looked Something Like This Kid.

I remember the very first time I rode on a real true roller coaster. One of those ones that actually flipped upside down. TWICE. I was terrified! But then there was that fantastic rush, right at the end when I realized that I'd made it through and I was still in one piece. Not only had I enjoyed the experience--I wanted to do it again. Right that minute! I think their is a life lesson in there somewhere. Find it if you will.

Or just watch this video of one child's first ride and laugh your head off as you remember back to that long ago time, when life was frightening and new and filled with wonders you'd never experienced before.
